Visual Basic and….?

Hey visitors!

Most of you download source code for LottoGame1 and installations for other stuff made in VisualBasic2010, right?

But do you enjoy using another programming languages? Or if it’s your first programming language… have you planned what programming language will be your next challenge to achieve??

(reply in comment please 😉 )

About Stevan

Drawing, programming, working out and so on and so forth :)

Posted on April 28, 2012, in Offtopic and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I am learning C# and I want to learn how to use the XNA Framework after.

    • C# and XNA? You are about to be a game developer? Well, do you have any plans about what kind of games you will be creating?
      By the way, I have some books for game development in C#, it’d be my pleasure to send it to you!

      Thanks for commenting and visiting my blog!

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